Davin is at Grandma and Grandpa's house for a few days (another benefit of homeschooling: being able to travel and not worry about a school schedule!) Though I miss him so, I'm taking the opportunity to soak up this time with my little ones and think of a few things I love about them.

Dorian (age 2), I love:
- that you are the most joyful member of our family. Even when you have tears streaming down your face after getting an owie and I ask if you're sad, you say, "No, happy."
- how cuddly you are. I hope you never outgrow your wonderful snuggliness!
- your sweet voice. The way you say "thank you, Mama", "Wuv you, mama", or "Saw-wee, Mama" (sorry). Just hearing you talk melts my heart every time.
- how much you love sports. You are such a contrast from your older brother and I love that you're making my job of motherhood interesting, as it'd be boring if all my children liked exactly the same things. I'm sure before long I'll be taking you to soccer practice, tee-ball, tae-kwan-do, etc. What a joy that will be! We knew from when you were quite young that you are a very coordinated little boy and have a natural gift for athletics. We can't wait to see your gifts develop!
- how friendly and outgoing you are. You love being around other people and making them smile. I remember at the 4th of July band concert this past summer during the children's marching parade, how you were giggling and beaming ear to ear as we marched through the crowd. It was mostly elderly people, and you sure put a smile on their faces :)
- your curiosity. You sure kept Mama on her toes when you were younger, as you got into everything! You're still quite curious, but it doesn't make me nervous anymore :)

Quinnlyn (age 7 months), I love:
- that you are my baby girl! I've always wanted a little girl and hope that our relationship will be as special and close as my relationship with my mom.
- your chubbiness, dimples, and grins. You are such a cute baby! I love how every time I look at you, I can't believe how precious you are. I love how when you smile, your eyes get all squinty, your dimples on your cheeks appear, and you look just like your great-grandma, my dad's mom.
- your laugh. You have the sweetest laugh, and I love seeing your brothers make you laugh, especially.
- nursing you. Breastfeeding creates such a special bond between a mother and her baby, and I just marvel every time that I'm able to provide you the nutrients you need to grow healthy and strong every day. Even though you get up twice a night still, I don't resent it because the time nursing you is special and will not last forever.
- watching you dance. Whenever you hear music, you just can't help but rock to the beat. It is just darling! Seeing Davin play the piano and you smiling and rocking along to the music is so precious.
- watching you grow and move. You are growing up too fast, little girl! You're just speeding through these milestones. You started crawling at six months and at six months and 1 week you were speed crawling. I love watching you crawl around and love that you can crawl right to me and into my lap for some cuddles. I love how you say "Mamama" when I'm in a different room and crawl to come and find me.
These are just a few things I love about my darling little ones. What I love most of all is that they gave me the most important job I can think of: motherhood!