Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nature Study: Buckeye Tree

I sent the kids outside with their nature journals and a tree identification book and they made a great discovery! They correctly identified a buckeye tree in our backyard and they had so much fun collecting the fruit and opening them up to uncover the beautiful, shiny buckeyes. They collected 17 in all and even shared one with someone who was going for a walk in our neighborhood :)  Here are some pictures from our fun day.

Davin looking to identify the tree:

The kids opening the buckeye fruit:

Standing by the buckeye tree:

Dori's nature journal entry:

Quinny's journal:

Davin's journal entry:

Davin's crazy tree creature:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fancy Weekend

My parents were kind enough to take Mike and I out to eat last week. We for a babysitter and left all 4 kids at home for the first time! We had such a nice time. Here are my beautiful parents:

Yummy creme brulee:

My husband and I

Delicious food

I was giggling while Mike was being interviewed :)

I'm so thankful for this fun weekend we had! It's not often that we are away from our kids for an evening, so 2 nights out in a row was very rare! But it was fun to spend time with just my love :)