MFW Days 15-17
- Science: Topic: "How Flowers Grow". For our Exploration Day, I soaked some bean seeds overnight and we examined them the next day. Davin made an illustration of the different parts of the seed: the seed coat, cotyledons (the two halves), and the tiny plant inside. After that, we put the soaked beans in wet paper towels and observed the beans daily to watch them sprout. After a few days we forgot about them, so when we checked again they were quite stinky! Here's the library books we read:
- The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
- From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer
- Dandelions: Stars in the Grass by Mia Posada
- I'm a Seed by Jean Marzollo
- The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds by Joanna Cole

- Math: Davin completed pages 31-63 in The Complete Book of Math and Day 9 and 10 in Singapore, which he's enjoying!
Here he's doing his workbook pages and Yoshi is helping, of course ;)

As part of a Singpore math lesson, he was to use the number cards and make as many combinations as he could that added up to 10. After that, he was playing with the cards and making different numbers. He made the number 92,861,451,037 and I deciphered it and told him what it was. He was amazed that I knew how to read such a big number! Then he became quite philosophical by asking: "Are numbers really everlasting? There's thousands, millions, trillions, kazillions......" I could tell the concept was mind-boggling.

- Hymn: September's hymn is "A Mighty Fortress is Our God". We read pages 20-23 in Hymn's for a Kid's Heart: Vol. 1 and sang the hymn. After reading that the devil runs and hides when we sing praises to God, Davin said he wanted to sing another song to God and we sang "Jesus Loves Me" together. It was so precious. Afterwards, he prayed. It's amazing what an impact these hymns are having on his sweet little heart.
- Bible: We memorized Proverbs 23:12 "Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge." We did the activity from MFW "The Bible is 1 Book with 66 Books", where I assembled 2 stacks of books representing the Old and New Testaments to show how even though the Bible is only one book, it has 66 books in it.

- Reading: Davin did the Reading portion from MFW, including the workbook pages and student sheets. The student sheets allowed him to practice his cutting skills, one of those fine motor skills that has taken him a little longer to develop, but he enjoys cutting things now! ---Maybe a little too much, as he recently cut his own hair and his brother's. We also did week 3 in Writing With Ease and First Language Lessons 12 and 13.

The portion from our writing narration exercise was from Rumpelstiltskin, so Davin was inspired to pull out his fairy tale book to read the whole story, and Quinn followed along!

- Poetry: Davin finished memorizing "After the Party" by William Wise.
Jonathan Blake Ate too much cake, He isn't himself today; He's tucked up in bed With a feverish head, And he doesn't much care to play. Jonathan Blake Ate too much cake, And three kinds of ice cream too-- From his latest reports He's quite out of sorts, And I'm sure the reports are true. I'm sorry to state That he also ate Six pickles, a pie, and a pear; In fact I confess It's a reasonable guess He ate practically everything there. Yes, Jonathan Blake Ate too much cake, So he's not at his best today; But there's no need for sorrow-- If you come back tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be out to play.
Some more fun things from this week! Dorian jumping and playing out in the gorgeous outdoors!
Oh yes, a bit of Art this week in the form of marker tattoos! The boys got into the markers while I wasn't watching them and did quite a good job covering their arm with ink. I thought it was funny until they started leaving smudges on things, and then I swiftly gave them a bath!
Cuddle time with Daddy, trying to take his iPhone away.
Baby Quinnlyn is nearly 6 months old!!
Another train enthusiast, I see!
Our little dolly.
The boys discussing Legos....seriously. "Hey Dori, do you like Power Miners?" "Mm hmm." "Do you like Agents?" "Mm hmm." "Do you like looking at instruction books?" "Mm hmm."
Dorian found this jersey, that Uncle Nate and Aunt Bri had given Davin. Our little athlete instantly wanted to put it on and was very excited about his "boop-ball shir"
The rest of the pictures are from our trip to Grandma and Grandpa's, where two of my brothers were home as well. I took the boys to the park and they had loads of fun, even while getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes!
My dad found this awesome trike at Goodwill and Davin loved it! He's not yet interested in riding a real bike, so this was perfect for cruising around on.

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