We also have "Christmas Carols for a Kid's Heart
I never would have guessed the impact these hymns would have on my children, and I am so thrilled that they are not only learning hymns, but love them! Each book also comes with a cd and we play the music often in our home. We started off the year learning "Holy, Holy, Holy" and even Dorian has learned some of the words and the tune. It is so precious to hear your children singing, especially when the music is praising God!
Right now, Davin really likes the hymn "This is My Father's World," so much so that he copied it into one of his notebooks. It was pretty cute one night a few weeks ago we were watching American Idol and Davin said that he thinks he could do pretty well on that show. "Oh yeah?" I said, "What song would you audition with?" "Oh, probably 'This is My Father's World'," he said. How precious is that?
One night, instead of having the tv on, we were just enjoying spending time together as a family and I asked Davin if he wanted to sing a hymn with me. Daddy had never heard Davin sing any hymns, so as we were singing I look over at my husband and see the tears start to roll down his cheeks. It was such a moving moment, hearing our precious, innocent son singing such a beautiful song. It's moments like these that I don't ever want to let go of; moments like these that I remember what I want to guard for as long as possible: the innocence of our children. I never want to see that twinkle fade from their eyes.
Mark 10:14 "...." Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."