Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Blessing

Our 4th blessing (and 3rd boy!) is due in just over two months.  Every time I look at this picture from my latest ultrasound it just takes my breath away.  We can't wait to meet you, sweet boy!

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." (Psalm 139:14)

Cheerio Bird Feeder

The kids made a Cheerio bird feeder a few days ago to hang out on the tree in our front yard.  We just love watching birds from our living room, but we have had some bad luck with squirrels destroying our bird feeders!  This delicate little project fared no better, but the kids had fun making it!  All they did was string Cheerios onto pipe cleaners and then formed them into linking circles.  

Here's Quinnlyn feeding some Cheerios to Davin.  She strung a few Cheerios on the pipe cleaner, but decided that eating them was much more enjoyable :)

Davin obviously has the longest attention span to complete this project (even though it only took a few minutes!) 

The finished project:

My Helper

I'm thankful today for my sweet boy who loves to help out (especially with cooking!) 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Modest Monday

As a frequent reader of "The Modest Mom" blog, I was inspired by her new "Modest Monday" series and decided to post a picture of an outfit I've worn this week.  I'm a few days late in posting, but I'll try to keep up with this :)

I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant with baby #4, a boy!  I don't wear skirts every day, but I do love them and usually wear them several days a week.  The skirt in this picture is one I just made last week, from a pattern that can be found here.  I used a light-blue, cotton, old baby blanket of my first-born son for the maternity panel, which made me a little emotional bringing back all those memories :)  I was quite busy sewing last week, as I made two maternity skirts!  I'm wearing black leggings under the skirt for some extra warmth, and the grey boots certainly aren't the cutest and most stylish, but I've worn them so much this winter because they are so warm and comfortable!  The shirt is from Motherhood Maternity, and I was pleasantly surprised to find some shirts there that aren't low-cut :)  So there you are!  I don't feel very "cute" this pregnancy, as I started out weighing considerably more than with my last one, but I still try not to look frumpy even when I feel that way.  Some days that's easier said than done, and I pull out my comfy velour pants, though :) 

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